Parapsychology References

Peer-reviewed professional journals

Selected journal articles on parapsychological topics

General books on parapsychology

Books on survival research

Books on philosophy and parapsychology

Books on out-of-the-body experiences

Books on physics and parapsychology

Peer-reviewed professional journals

Journal of Parapsychology
Published by the Parapsychology Press, a subsidiary of the Rhine Research Center, Durham, NC, USA.

European Journal of Parapsychology
Published by the Koestler Chair of Parapsychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research Published by the American Society for Psychical Research, 5 West 73rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10023, USA.

Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Published by the Society for Psychical Research, London, England.

Journal of Scientific Exploration
Published by the Society for Scientific Exploration.

Subtle Energies
Published by the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 356 Goldco Circle, Golden, CO 80401. Contact:

Selected journal articles on parapsychological topics

Bem, D. J. and Honorton, C. (1994). Does psi exist? Replicable evidence for an anomalous process of information transfer, Psychological Bulletin, 115, 4-18. Click here to see this reference.,

Child, I. L. (1985). Psychology and anomalous observations: The question of ESP in dreams. American Psychologist, 40, 1219-1230.

Jahn, R. G. and Dunne, B. J. (1986). On the quantum mechanics of consciousness, with application to anomalous phenomena. Foundations of Physics, 16, 721-772.

Jahn, R. G. (1982). The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE, 70, 136-170.

Radin, D. I. (1989). Searching for "signatures" in anomalous human-machine interaction research: A neural network approach. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 3, 185-200.

Radin, D. I. & Nelson, R. D. (1989). Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems. Foundations of Physics, 19, 1499-1514.

Radin, D. I. (1994). On complexity and pragmatism. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 8 (4), 523-534. See this article.

Rao, K. R. & Palmer, J. (1987). The anomaly called psi: Recent research and criticism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 539-551.

Utts, J. (1991). Replication and meta-analysis in parapsychology. Statistical Science, 6, 363-378.

General books on parapsychology

Atkinson, R., Atkinson, R. C., Smith, E. E. & Bem, D. J. (1993). Introduction to psychology (11th ed.). San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
This is a standard college psychology textbook with a chapter on modern parapsychology.

Broughton, R. (1991). Parapsychology: The Controversial Science New York: Ballantine Books.
A recent, easy to read, excellent overview of parapsychology today. The book emphasizes laboratory findings but also includes chapters on psi in real life, including poltergeist research.

Edge, H.L., Morris, R.L., Rush, J.H. & Palmer, J. (1986). Foundations of Parapsychology: Exploring the Boundaries of Human Capability. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Emphasizes methods, findings, theories, and the scientific, philosophical and social implications of psi phenomena. Also discusses skeptical viewpoints. Technical, not consistently easy to read.

Eysenck, H.J. & Sargent, C. (1993). Explaining the Unexplained: Mysteries of the Paranormal. London: Prion.
Examines gifted psychics, early research, theories of modern physics in relationship to psi phenomena, history of the field. Easy to read. Nice pictures.

Irwin, H. J. (1989). An Introduction to Parapsychology, 2nd Edition. McFarland Press.
Outlines origins of parapsychology, reviews lab and field investigations of ESP, PK, poltergeists, near-death and out-of-body phenomena. Well written.

Krippner, S. (Ed.) Advances in Parapsychological Research (Volumes 1 - 6) . New York: Plenum Press (1977, 1978, 1982); London: McFarland (1984, 1987, 1991).
Summary articles, mostly technical, by professionals.

Jahn, R. & Dunne, B. (1987). Margins of reality. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Summary of a decade of research and theory at the Princeton University Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory. Not an easy read, but authoritative and comprehensive.

Wolman, B.B. (Ed.) (1986). Handbook of Parapsychology. McFarland Press.
Excellent anthology of all aspects of parapsychology by 32 contributors. Mostly easy to read. Good source book.

Books on survival research

Becker, C. B. (1993). Paranormal experience and survival of death. State University of New York Press.

Berger, A. S. (1988). Evidence of life after death: A casebook for the tough-minded. Thomas.

Gauld, A. (1983). Mediumship and Survival: A Century of Investigations. Granada.

Moody, R. & Perry, P. (1993). Reunions: Visionary encounters with departed loved ones. Villard.

Ring, K. (1984). Heading Toward Omega: In search of the meaning of the Near Death Experience, New York: William Morrow.

Ring, K. (1980). Life at Death: A Scientific Investigation of the Near-Death Experience. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan (1980).

Stevenson, I. (1974, 75, 77, 80). Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation (multiple volumes). University of Virginia Press.

Books on philosophy and parapsychology

Collins, H.M. & Pinch, T.J. Frames of Meaning: The Social Construction of Extraordinary Science. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul (1982).

French, P.A. (Ed.) Philosophers in Wonderland: Philosophy and Psychical Research. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn (1975).

Grim, P. (Ed.) Philosophy of Science and the Occult. Albany: New York: State University of New York Press (1982).

Hanen, M.P., Osler, M.J. and Weyant, R.G. (Eds.) Science, Pseudo-Science and Society. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press (1980).

Ludwig, J. (Ed.) Philosophy and Parapsychology. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus (1978).

Thakur, S.C. Philosophy and Psychical Research. London: George Allen & Unwin (1976).

Wheatley, J.M.O. & Edge, H.L. Philosophical Dimensions of Parapsychology. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas (1976).

Books on out-of-the-body experiences

Blackmore, S.J. Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences. London: Heineman (1982).

Gabbard, G.O. & Twemlow, S.W. With the Eyes of the Mind. New York: Praegar Scientific (1984).

Green, C.E. Out-of-the-Body Experiences. London: Hamish Hamilton (1968).

Irwin, H. J. Flight of Mind: A Psychological Study of the Out-of-Body Experience. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press (1985).

Books on physics and parapsychology

D'Espagnat, B. (1983). In Search of Reality. New York: Springer-Verlag.

LeShan, L. (1984). From Newton to ESP. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Turnstone Press.

LeShan, L. & Margenau, H. (1982). Einstein's Space & Van Gogh's Sky. New York: Macmillan.

Oteri, L. (Ed.) (1975). Quantum Physics and Parapsychology. Proceedings of an International Conference. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, Inc.

Prigogine, I. & Stengers, I. (1984). Order Out of Chaos. Toronto: Bantam Books.

Wilber, K. (Ed.) (1984). Quantum Questions. Boulder, Colorado: Shambhala.

Zukav, G. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters. New York: William Morrow.

Original reference list: Helen Sims, Koestler Chair of Parapsychology, University of Edinburgh

Additional references: Dean Radin, Consciousness Research Laboratory, University of Nevada